Lunch & Learns
Our Lunch & Learn sessions cover Lift Station & Manhole Lining Technology. The presentation is given via a PowerPoint presentation and is approximately 35 minutes followed by Q&A.
These sessions typically count towards Continuing Education Unit (CEU) requirements for engineers.
Please contact us for scheduling and availability.

Who is presenting and what will be presented?
Grant Raisanen – industrial coating contractor and certified SpectraShield installer.
What will be presented?
The presentation will focus on lift station and manhole lining technology. We will show pictures and discuss recent projects designed by Sambatek, WSB, Bollig, and others.
Who is the recommended audience?
Professionals who work in sewer collection, design, maintenance, and related areas.
How will this make us better professionals in our field?
With many options for lining it is important to understand each product type.
How does the information make us better, more cost-effective, efficient and/or safer?
With an understanding of the lift station and manhole lining industry, professionals will be better informed to make infrastructure rehabilitation decisions.